Meet Zoe C. Brooks

When it comes to achieving success, many people follow a traditional path. But there are
some individuals who take the road less traveled, carving their own unique path to success. Zoe Brooks is one such person.

Zoe Brooks is a Canadian native from Ontario, who has a fascinating journey in the field of medical technology. After completing her training in Toronto, Zoe worked at a small hospital about an hour away from the city for ten years as a hospital department head. During her time there, she introduced computers for the first time and implemented Westgard rules, which are widely used in quality control to this day.

After a brief stint in Toronto, Zoe went back to her beloved north and took on the role of
overseeing the lab program in six hospitals north of Sudbury in the Cochrane region. Here,
she again introduced computers and quality control measures to improve the lab’s overall performance. Zoe’s focus on quality improvement and her willingness to embrace new
technology set her apart from her peers.

Zoe’s expertise in the field of medical technology led her to develop software to help others make informed decisions when she wasn’t around. She conducted studies with labs around the world and lectured to labs around the world, discovering a consistent global problem with quality control. It was in 1991 that Zoe was able to co-present a workshop with James
Westgard in Montreal, which further cemented her position as an expert in the field.

Despite coming from a 500-acre farm in northern Ontario, Zoe’s accomplishments led her to co-found the company, As CEO, she leads the company to continued success in the field of medical technology.

Zoe’s journey is an inspiration to those who wish to pursue their passion and make a difference in their chosen field. It shows that with determination and a willingness to embrace new technology and ideas, one can carve their own unique path to success.  Zoe’s dedication to her work is evident in the many accomplishments she has achieved throughout her career. She has been a pioneer in introducing technology and quality control measures to improve lab performance. Her work has helped healthcare professionals provide
better patient care, which is a testament to her passion for making a difference.

Apart from her professional accomplishments, Zoe’s journey is also remarkable for the challenges she had to overcome. Starting from a 500-acre farm in northern Ontario, she had to navigate the Wild West days of computers, working with outdated technology and doing
everything through teleconferencing. Despite these obstacles, she remained focused on her goal of improving lab performance and enhancing patient care.

Zoe’s journey shows the importance of persistence, hard work, and the ability to adapt to new situations. Her willingness to take risks and embrace new ideas has led to groundbreaking achievements in the field of medical technology. She is proof that with the right mindset and determination, one can overcome challenges and achieve great success.

Today, Zoe is an inspiration to many aspiring entrepreneurs and healthcare professionals. She continues to lead to new heights, providing innovative solutions to improve the healthcare industry. Her journey reminds us that success is not just about following the traditional path, but about having the courage to carve out a unique path for oneself.

Zoe Brooks is a true pioneer and her contributions to the field of medical technology will undoubtedly continue to inspire future generations